Questions Module


Name Description
question This bean allows to create or edit a question.
answer This bean allows to create or edit an answer.
questionList This list bean represents the list of questions.
questionInfo This list bean represents the list of questions.
questionVote The vote bean that allows to vote for a question.
questionTagSearch The question tag search bean.
questionTagCloud The list of tags associated with question entities.
questionTags The question tag editor bean.
answerVote The vote bean that allows to vote for an answer.


Name Entity type Description
question-create awa_workspace
question-edit awa_question Grant the edit permission to author only
question-delete awa_question Grant the delete permission to author only
answer-create awa_question
answer-edit awa_answer Grant the edit permission to any user who is authenticated
answer-delete awa_answer Grant the delete permission to author only
answer-accept awa_answer The question author is the only one who can accept an answer.


Name Description
question-list Get a list of questions.
question-tag-list Get a list of questions filtered by a tag.



The list of questions.

Type Ada Name Description
Identifier id the question identifier.
String title the question title.
Date create_date the question creation date.
String description the question short description.
Integer rating the question rating.
Integer answer_count the number of answers.
Identifier author_id the author's identifier.
String author_name the author's name.
String author_email the author's email.


Name Description
question-info Get the detailed information for a question.



The list of questions.

Type Ada Name Description
Identifier id the question identifier.
String title the question title.
Date create_date the question creation date.
Nullable_Date edit_date the question edit date.
String description the question description.
Integer rating the question rating.
Integer user_rating the question rating as voted by the current user.
Identifier author_id the author's identifier.
String author_name the author's name.
String author_email the author's email.


Name Description
answer-list Get a list of answers.



The list of answers.

Type Ada Name Description
Identifier id the answer identifier.
Date create_date the answer creation date.
Nullable_Date edit_date the answer edit date.
String answer the answer description.
Integer rank the answer rank.
Integer user_rating the question rating as voted by the current user.
Identifier author_id the author's identifier.
String author_name the author's name.
String author_email the author's email.
