Images Module

The images module is an extension of the [Storages Module] that identifies images and provides thumbnails as well as resizing of the original image.

The images module uses several other modules:

  • the Storage Module to store and manage image content,
  • the [Jobs Module] to schedule image thumbnail generation.


To be able to use the Images module, you will need to add the following line in your GNAT project file:

with "awa_images";

The Image_Module type represents the image module. An instance of the image module must be declared and registered when the application is created and initialized. The image module is associated with the image service which provides and implements the image management operations.

with AWA.Images.Modules;
type Application is new AWA.Applications.Application with record
   Image_Module : aliased AWA.Images.Modules.Image_Module;
end record;

And it is registered in the Initialize_Modules procedure by using:

Register (App    => App.Self.all'Access,
          Name   => AWA.Images.Modules.NAME,
          Module => App.Image_Module'Access);

When the image module is initialized, it registers itself as a listener to the storage module to be notified when a storage file is created, updated or removed. When a file is added, it looks at the file type and extracts the image information if the storage file is an image.


The Images module defines the following configuration parameters:

Name Description
images.thumbnail_command The command to execute to generate an image thumbnail for the Images module.
convert -verbose -resize #{width}x#{height} -background white -gravity center -extent #{width}x#{height} -format jpg -quality 75 #{src} #{dst}

Ada Beans

The Image_List_Bean type is used to represent a list of image stored in a folder.

The Image_Bean type holds all the data to give information about an image.

Name Description
storageFolder This bean allows to create a storage folder.
imageList This bean gives the list of images associated with a given folder.
imageInfo This bean gives the information about an image.


The information about an image.

Type Ada Name Description
Identifier folder_id the image folder identifier.
String folder_name the image folder name.
Identifier id the image file identifier.
String name the image file name.
Date create_date the file creation date.
String uri the file storage URI.
AWA.Storages.Models.Storage_Type storage the file storage URI.
String mime_type the file mime type.
Integer file_size the file size.
Boolean is_public whether the image is public.
Integer width the image width.
Integer height the image height.


The list of images for a given folder.

Type Ada Name Description
Identifier id the storage identifier which contains the image data.
String name the image file name.
Date create_date the image file creation date.
String uri the image file storage URI.
Integer storage the image file storage URI.
String mime_type the image file mime type.
Integer file_size the image file size.
Integer width the image width.
Integer height the image height.
Integer thumb_width the image thumbnail width.
Integer thumb_height the image thumbnail height.
Identifier thumbnail_id the image thumbnail identifier.


Name Description
image-info Get the description of an image.
Name Description
image-list Get a list of images for a given folder.

Data model